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What is the Russian Orthodox Church? How is the Russian Orthodox Church different from other Orthodox churches?
What are Baptist General Conventions? What is the purpose of a Baptist General Convention?
What is a papal conclave? What is the procedure the Roman Catholic Church uses to select a new pope? Is the papal conclave biblical?
Does the Bible teach mortal and venial sin? Does the Bible distinguish between mortal sins and venial sins?
Does God have a wife? Is there any evidence that the early Israelites believed Yahweh was married to Asherah?
What are indulgences and plenary indulgences, and are the concepts biblical? Does the Catholic Church have the authority to grant indulgences to b...
17. What does it mean that friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4)? |
What does it mean that friendship with the world is enmity with God? What is the meaning of James 4:4?
What made some animals clean and others unclean (Genesis 7)? How did Noah know what animals were clean when God had not yet given the Law?
Is the Bible accurate? Can the accuracy of the Bible be proven? How can I know whether the Bible is accurate?
What was the school of prophets? Was there a school for prophets during the times of Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha? Home