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Search results for: missionary journey
97 results found containing all search terms. 570 results found containing some search terms.
67 pages of results.
What happened on Paul’s voyage to Rome? What were the significant events on Paul’s trip to Rome in the Book of Acts?
What is the history and significance of the church in Philippi? What was the church in Philippi most known for?
What is the Macedonian Call? How does the idea of a Macedonian Call apply to our lives today?
Who was Mary Slessor? What is Mary Slessor most known for in Christian missions?
Who was Gaius in the Bible? How many different men named Gaius are there in the Bible?
Who was Luke in the Bible? Was Luke a doctor? Why did God choose Luke to write a Gospel and the Book of Acts?
What is the significance of Lystra in the Bible? What biblical events occurred in the city of Lystra?
What is the story of the New Testament? What is a brief summary/survey of the entire New Testament?
What is the history and significance of the church at Jerusalem? What important biblical events occured at the church in Jerusalem?
Who was Lydia in the Bible? Where is Lydia mentioned in the Book of Acts? What was Lydia’s role in the early church? Home