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Search results for: of monks
41 results found containing all search terms.
5 pages of results.
What is the Apocalypse of Paul? Should the Apocalypse of Paul be in the Bible? Was the Apostle Paul the author of the Apocalypse of Paul?
What does the Bible say about self-sacrifice / being self-sacrificial? Is the Christian life supposed to be about self-sacrificing?
What does it mean that outside the church there is no salvation? Is “extra ecclesiam nulla salus” a biblical concept?
What is the Romanian Orthodox Church? How is the Romanian Orthodox Church different from other Orthodox churches?
What is the Russian Orthodox Church? How is the Russian Orthodox Church different from other Orthodox churches?
What is the Sacred Heart of Jesus? What is the Roman Catholic devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus?
Who was Heinrich Bullinger? What impact did Heinrich Bullinger have on the Protestant church?
What is hagiography? What is the purpose and value of a hagiography? Should Christians read hagiographies?
Who were the Cappadocian Fathers? How were the Cappadocian Fathers important in the formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity?
Who was Catherine of Siena? Why do Catholics consider Catherine of Siena a saint? Home