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Search results for: ordination
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What is the cup of salvation? What is the meaning of Psalm 116:13? How can salvation be compared to a cup?
Who was Saint Brendan the Navigator? Are any of the legends about Saint Brendan the Navigator true?
Articles with content related to Church Leadership organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
What are the most common denominations of Christianity? Why is Christianity divided into different denominations?
What is the Dake Bible? Is the Dake Bible a good study Bible? Who was Finnis Jennings Dake?
Who was John Stott? What is John Stott most known for? What influential books did John Stott write?
Who was R.C. Sproul? What is R.C. Sproul most known for? Was R.C. Sproul a reliable teacher of God’s Word?
What is an acolyte? How is an acolyte different from a cleric or a priest? Are acolytes mentioned in the Bible?
Who was Gregory of Nazianzus? What was Gregory of Nazianzus most known for in church history?
Who were the Lollards? How were the Lollards related to John Wycliffe? What were the beliefs of the Lollards? Home