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Search results for: Catholicism
272 results found.
28 pages of results.
Does the Bible teach mortal and venial sin? Does the Bible distinguish between mortal sins and venial sins?
What does the Bible say about Voodoo? How should a Christian view Voodoo? What is the origin of Voodoo?
What was Unam Sanctum? Why did Pope Bonifance VIII issue the Unam Sanctum papal bull in 1302?
Who are the Jesuits, and what do they believe? What is the Society of Jesus? Who was Ignatius of Loyola?
What is a diocese? What is an archdiocese? Are dioceses and archdioceses a biblical from of church government?
What are charismatic Roman Catholics? Is there such as thing as charismatic Roman Catholics? Do some Catholics practice the miraculous gifts of th...
Did Mother Teresa go to heaven? Is being an extremely giving, caring, and sacrificial person enough to get you into heaven?
Do Catholics worship idols? Do Catholics practice idolatry? Why is the Roman Catholic Church often accused of worshiping idols?
Are Catholic beliefs and practices biblical? Is Catholic doctrine based primarily on the Bible or on tradition?
What are the Catholic Ten Commandments? Why do Catholics have a different numbering of the Ten Commandments? Home