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Search results for: of the Mass
131 results found containing all search terms.
14 pages of results.
Does the Bible require the death penalty for homosexuality? Does the Bible really teach that homosexuals are to be put to death?
What is apatheism? What is an apatheist? Why are some people so apathetic about belief in God and other spiritual matters?
What was the Moral Majority? What were the priorities of the Moral Majority?
What is All Souls’ Day? What is the origin of All Souls' Day? How is Halloween connected with All Souls' Day?
What is Christianization? Are Christians supposed to try to Christianize the entire world?
Why was Jesus’ ministry so short? Why did Jesus’ ministry only last around three years?
If Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned, introducing death into creation, wouldn’t the world have gotten overpopulated? If every person who has ever lived w...
What is the canopy theory? Was there a canopy of water that surrounded the earth before the Flood?
What is historical creationism? How does historical creationism compare/contrast with young earth creationism and old earth creationism?
What is St. Jean-Baptiste Day, and should Christians celebrate it? What sort of rituals are observed on St. Jean-Baptiste Day? Home