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24 pages of results.
Why should I believe in Christ’s resurrection? Is there any proof outside the Bible that Jesus was resurrected?
Who was John Wesley? What is John Wesley most known for? How did John Wesley become the founder of both Wesleyanism and Methodism?
If you doubt your salvation, does that mean you are not truly saved? How can I overcome my doubts about my salvation?
What is Christianization? Are Christians supposed to try to Christianize the entire world?
Why do some people not turn to God until later in life? Why do some people put off turning to God?
What is evangelical theology? What are the distinctives and tenets of evangelical theology?
Did Paul ever meet Jesus in person? Had Paul ever seen or heard Jesus before the encounter on the road to Damascus?
What is the story of Saul of Tarsus before he became the apostle Paul? Why was Saul of Tarsus so opposed to Christianity before he was converted?
Is the 9Marks series biblically sound? Is the 9Marks (9 Marks, Nine Marks) series a biblical model for church growth?
What is the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), and what do they believe? Is the Church of God (COG) a solid and biblically based denomination? Home