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Search results for: ordination
55 results found.
6 pages of results.
What is pastoral care? What are the different aspects of pastoral care? Why is a pastoral care ministry important?
What does the Bible say about serving in youth ministry? What does a biblically-based youth ministry look like?
What does the Bible say about the role of evangelism/outreach pastor? What is the pastoral role in regards to preparing/training people for evange...
Who was Hippolytus of Rome? How was Hippolytus of Rome an important figure in early church history?
Can restoration occur after a pastor has been caught in a scandal? Are there any sins that permanently disqualify a man from serving as a pastor?
Should Christians judge the teachings of their leaders? When it is acceptable to question a church leader?
Should the title of 'reverend' be given to a church leader? Does Psalm 111:9 mean that only God is to be called reverend?
What is the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS)? What are the beliefs and practices of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod?
Are we supposed to obey our pastors? How much authority should a pastor have over a church?
How can I know if I am being called to preach? If God is calling me to be a pastor, how will I know? Home