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Search results for: Catholicism
272 results found.
28 pages of results.
Are there different religions within the Christian faith? Should the various divisions of Christianity be understood as different religions?
What does 1 Timothy 3:15 mean when it says that the church is the pillar and foundation of the truth? Is the Bible the authority, or is the church...
What are dulia, hyperdulia, and latria? Why do Roman Catholics divide worship into the categories of dulia, hyperdulia, and latria?
Why is the real presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper such a controversial issue? Is Jesus Christ really present in the bread and wine of commun...
Is Mary the co-redemptrix / mediatrix? Why do Catholics view Mary as the co-redemptrix and/or mediatrix?
What is a religious order? Are religious orders biblical? What are some of the different religious orders?
How are Catholics able to perform exorcisms if many of their beliefs are unbiblical? Why do Catholic priests seem to have the power to exorcise de...
What is apostolic action? Is apostolic action a biblical concept? What is apostolic action in Roman Catholicism?
What is inculturation? Is inculturation biblical? Should how we present the Gospel change based on the culture we are presenting it to?
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