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9 pages of results.
What is theosophy? What is the Theosophical Society? What do theosophists believe?
What did Joseph and Mary do with the gifts the magi brought to Jesus? What happened to the gold, frankincense, and myrrh that the wisemen gave to ...
What is a kundalini spirit? Does the Bible say anything about a kundalini spirit?
Is freedom of religion a biblical concept? Is freedom of religion a basic human right, as many people claim that it is?
What is the book of Gad the seer? Does the book of Gad the seer belong in the Bible?
What are prayer beads? Is it okay to use beads while praying? What is the origin of prayer beads?
How to get to heaven - what are the ideas from the different religions? What are the core beliefs within each religion about how to get into heaven?
Why do many white supremacists claim to be Christians? Is white supremacy compatible with the Christian faith?
What was the Haystack Prayer Meeting? What were some of the eventual results of the Haystack Prayer Meeting?
What is the Oriental Orthodox Church? How is the Oriental Orthodox Church different from the Eastern Orthodox Church? Home