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Search results for: Luther
124 results found.
13 pages of results.
What is the Matthew Bible? What is Matthew’s Bible / Matthew’s Version? When was the Matthew Bible created?
What is the Coverdale Bible? When was the Coverdale Bible first published? Who was Myles Coverdale?
What is Branhamism? Who was William Branham? Is Branhamism a cult? Was William Branham a false prophet?
Should a Christian be involved in protests? How can a Christian decide whether something is worth protesting?
What does the Bible say about education? Is it God’s desire for everyone to be educated?
What is the True Jesus Church, and what do they believe? Is the True Jesus Church in China a cult?
What is exclusive psalmody? Should churches only sing the Psalms instead of hymns and/or choruses?
What is heterodoxy? What does it mean for something to be heterodox? How is heterodoxy related to orthodoxy?
What is memorialism? What is a memorialist? What is the memorial view of the Lord’s Supper / Christian communion?
What is the spiritual presence view of the Lord’s Supper? Is Jesus Christ spiritually present in the bread and wine of communion? Home