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Search results for: Oxford Movement
8 results found containing all search terms. 632 results found containing some search terms.
64 pages of results.
What is purity culture? In what ways did purity culture have a positive impact? In what ways did purity culture have a negative impact?
What is Pietism? Who were the Pietists? What was the origin of Pietism? Are Pietist churches good biblical churches?
How should a Christian view the antifa movement? Are the goals and methods of the antifa movement compatible with the Bible?
Articles with content related to Christianity Basics about the Bible organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
What is Bethel Church in Redding California? Who is Pastor Bill Johnson? Is Bethel Church a solid, biblically based church?
What does the Bible say about the prosperity gospel? Is it God’s will for all Christians to be financially prosperous?
What is Restorationism? How is Restorationism related to Restoration Movement? What churches / groups today are originally from Restorationism?
Who are the Disciples of Christ, and what do they believe? What is the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) denomination/association?
How should Christians view Men Going Their Own Way? What is MGTOW? Why are some men so terribly disillusioned about relationships with women?
Questions about the Church (All): What is the church? What is the purpose of the church? Is church attendance important? Home