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Search results for: and pastors
265 results found containing all search terms.
27 pages of results.
What does the Bible say about the role of evangelism/outreach pastor? What is the pastoral role in regards to preparing/training people for evange...
What is apostasy and how can I recognize it? Why does apostasy so often go unrecognized? How can an apostate be recognized?
Are the “angels” of the churches in Revelation 1-3 real angels, or are they human messengers? Why were the letters in Revelation 2-3 written to an...
Who was Martyn Lloyd-Jones? What is Martyn Lloyd-Jones most known for? What books did Martyn Lloyd-Jones write?
What is the institutional church? Why do some people dislike and/or distrust the institutional church?
What is a spiritual father? Is the concept of having a spiritual father biblical?
Who was Chuck Smith? What is Chuck Smith most known for? Was Chuck Smith a reliable teacher of God’s Word?
How and why should we pray for our leaders? Why is it important for us to pray for our leaders?
What is a church community group? What is the value of a community group?
What roles can women fill in ministry? What ministry roles are open to women? Why does the Bible restrict the ministry of women? Home