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Search results for: Catholicism
272 results found.
28 pages of results.
Why can’t Catholics eat meat on Fridays during Lent? Why is fish the only meat Catholics can eat on Fridays during Lent?
What is the Eliakim Typological Argument? What does the Eliakim Typological Argument have to do with the papacy and apostolic succession?
What are the Holy Days of Obligation? Why are there certain days that Roman Catholics are required to participate in Mass?
What is an oblation? How is an oblation different from other types of offerings?
What is the Cursillo movement? What is the origin of the Cursillo movement? Are the teachings of the Cursillo movement biblical?
Is prayer to saints / Mary biblical? Why do Roman Catholics believe in the praying to the saints and Mary?
Is worship of saints / Mary biblical? Why do Roman Catholics believe in the worshiping the saints and Mary?
What is the Donation of Constantine? Did the Roman emperor Constantine give sweeping powers to the Roman bishop?
What is the church militant? Why does the Roman Catholic Church refer to believers who are currently alive as the church militant?
What is Divine Mercy Sunday? Why do some Christians celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday on the Sunday after Easter? Home