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Search results for: Oxford Movement
8 results found containing all search terms. 632 results found containing some search terms.
64 pages of results.
Articles with content related to Modern Christianity organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
What is Kinism? Does God desire the different ethnicities of humanity to remain separate and not interbreed?
What are charismatic Roman Catholics? Is there such as thing as charismatic Roman Catholics? Do some Catholics practice the miraculous gifts of th...
What is neo-scholasticism? What is neo-Thomism? How did neo-scholasticism and neo-Thomism differ from scholasticism and Thomism?
What is the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), and what do they believe? Is the Church of God (COG) a solid and biblically based denomination?
What is the International Church of Christ (ICOC), and what do they believe? What are some possible problems with the 'International Church of Chr...
Articles with content related to Church Organization organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
What is contemplative prayer? How is contemplative prayer connected to soaking prayer and the emerging church movement?
What is 119 Ministries? Is 119 Ministries connected to the Hebrew Roots movement? What does 119 Ministries teach?
Who was Sir William Ramsay? What is Sir William Ramsay most known for in church history? What influential books did Sir William Ramsay write? Home