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24 pages of results.
What is the meaning of the term Christian? What is the origin of the word Christian? Was “Christian” originally a derogatory name?
What is Judaism and what do Jews believe? What are the core beliefs of Judaism?
What are indulgences and plenary indulgences, and are the concepts biblical? Does the Catholic Church have the authority to grant indulgences to b...
What occurred at the Council of Nicea? Did the Council of Nicea vote to make Jesus God?
85. In what ways should Christians be prepared to step outside their comfort zone? |
In what ways should Christians be prepared to step outside their comfort zone? Why do many Christians never leave their comfort zone?
Who was Adoniram Judson? What is Adoniram Judson most known for in Christian missions?
What is the sign of Jonah? What did Jesus mean when He said the only sign He would give would be the sign of Jonah?
Why did Jesus say, “I did not come to bring peace”? What is the meaning of Matthew 10:34?
What does it mean that our lives should be a testimony for Jesus? How can I maintain my testimony for Jesus?
What does the Bible say about perseverance? What is perseverance in regards to salvation? What is perseverance in regards to the Christian life? Home