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Search results for: Communion
241 results found.
25 pages of results.
Who can take communion according to the Bible? Are there any biblical qualifications as to who should be allowed to receive communion?
What does it mean to take communion unworthily? What is the meaning of 1 Corinthians 11:27?
Should communion be open or closed? Should a church restrict those who are allowed to receive communion?
Is an online communion service biblical? Is it biblically allowable to participate in communion virtually?
What does the Bible say about communion? What is the meaning of communion in the Bible?
Is the observance of First Communion biblical? How is communion a memorial to Jesus’ death and shed blood?
Does a church have to use unleavened bread for communion? Does it matter what kind of bread is used for the Lord’s Supper?
Is it acceptable to have communion outside of the church? Can communion be observed with family at home, at a gathering of Christian friends, in p...
Why is there so much disagreement about holy communion? Why are there so many controversies regarding the Lord’s Supper?
What does 'communion of the saints' mean in the ancient creeds? Are all believers a part of the communion of the saints? Home