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Search results for: New Age movement
More than 89 results found containing all search terms. More than 911 results found containing some search terms.
100 pages of results.
What is the New Age movement? What do New Agers believe? Is there anything truly 'new' about the New Age movement?
What is spiritual development? How is spiritual development different when comparing Christianity with the New Age Movement?
What are indigo children? What does the new age movement believe about indigo children?
What is the New Thought movement? Is the New Thought movement a cult? Who was the founder of the New Thought movement?
What is New Monasticism? How does the New Monasticism differ from ancient forms of asceticism and monasticism?
What is mid-Acts dispensationalism? What is the Grace Movement, and is it biblical? How is mid-Acts dispensationalism different from ultradispensa...
What is Spirit Science? What is the goal of Spirit Science? How is Spirit Science different from other aspects of the New Age Movement?
What is the 'church of Oprah'? Is Eckhart Tolle’s 'New Earth' compatible with Christianity?
What is the emerging / emergent church movement? Is the emergent church a solid Bible-believing movement?
What is the Latter Rain Movement? Will there be an outpouring of miraculous spiritual gifts as the end times approach? Home