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Search results for: infant baptism
54 results found containing all search terms. 439 results found containing some search terms.
50 pages of results.
What does the Bible say about infant baptism / paedobaptism / child baptism? What is a paedobaptist? Should babies be baptized? Does the Bible tea...
What does the Bible say about how to get baptized? What does the Bible say about how to baptize?
Does the Bible teach believer’s baptism/credobaptism? What is a credobaptist? Is baptism a step of obedience for believers after salvation?
Is christening in the Bible? How is christening related to infant baptism? Are there any dangers to practicing christening?
What is the Catholic understanding of baptism? Is the Catholic interpretation of baptism biblical?
Can I get re-baptized as a “spiritual refresher,” even if my first baptism was biblical? Is re-baptism / rebaptism biblical? Is there any reason a...
What is the proper mode of baptism? Should baptism be by immersion, or are sprinkling and pouring also allowed?
Articles with content related to Rites and Ordinances organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
Questions about the Church (All): What is the church? What is the purpose of the church? Is church attendance important?
What does the Bible say about being a godparent / god-parent? How is serving as a god-parent (godfather / godmother) linked with baptism? Home