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Search results for: satan
982 results found.
99 pages of results.
Articles with content related to Satan organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
Who is Satan in the Bible? What does the Bible say about Satan? What are common misbeliefs about Satan?
How, why, and when did Satan fall from heaven? Where did Satan come from? Why did Satan decide to rebel against God?
When will Satan be defeated? Why is God waiting so long before He defeats Satan?
How much power does Satan possess? How powerful is Satan? In what ways is Satan’s power limited?
Is Satan in hell? Where is Satan? Is Satan suffering in hell now? When will Satan be sent to hell?
Does Satan exist? Is there evidence for the existence of Satan? Why do many people deny that Satan exists?
Are Jesus and Satan brothers? Are both Jesus and Satan the spiritual children of Elohim?
Can Satan and/or his demons hear our prayers? Does it even matter if Satan can hear our prayers?
Why did Satan think he could defeat God? doesn’t Satan know that his war against God is a lost cause? Home