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Search results for: sex
382 results found.
39 pages of results.
Is it wrong for a married couple to have sex just for pleasure? Is reproduction the only true purpose and value of sex?
What does the Bible say about sex? What is there about sex in the Bible? Does the Bible talk about sex?
If an unmarried couple has sex, are they married in God’s eyes? Does the act of sexual intercourse make a couple married?
Is cyber-sex (cybersex, cyber sex) a sin? Is phone sex a sin? If sex is not really happening, is it a sin to fantasize about someone else?
What does the Bible say about oral sex (cunnigulus / felatio)? Is oral sex before marriage a sin? Is oral sex within a marriage a sin?
What does the Bible say about sex before marriage? Is it a sin for two people who are in love to have sex outside of marriage?
What does the Bible say about sex in marriage? What is the Christian viewpoint of marital sex?
8. What does the Bible say about anal sex? What is sodomy according to the Bible? |
What does the Bible say about anal sex? What is sodomy according to the Bible? What is a sodomite? What are sodomites? Is anal sex before or withi...
What does the Bible say about sex addiction? Is sexual addiction a true disorder, or is it simply an excuse for immoral/promiscuous behavior?
Should a married person have a close friend of the opposite sex? Where should a married person draw the line in regards to friends of the opposite... Home