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Who wrote the book of Leviticus? Who was the author of Leviticus?

translate author of Leviticus

The book of Leviticus, also known as the third book of Moses, constitutes the third book of the Torah, or Pentateuch. Like other books in the Torah, it is traditionally attributed to Moses and has a direct connection with the book of Exodus. Arguments supporting the Mosaic authorship of other books of the Torah also apply to Leviticus, specifically the testimony of other parts of Scripture that attribute the Pentateuch to Moses (for example, Matthew 8:4; Luke 2:22; and Romans 10:5).

The name “Leviticus” is derived from the Greek Septuagint and translates to “pertaining to the Levites.” It is a fitting name for the book, which features a comprehensive compilation of laws and priestly duties designed to guide the Israelites in proper conduct and worship. The Levites were the tribe of Israel that had responsibility over aspects of tabernacle worship, and the regulations set forth in Leviticus were of prime importance in their duties.

While modern Christians may be tempted to skip Leviticus during their Bible reading, the book contains valuable information that foreshadows the New Covenant and remains relevant for believers. Plus, Leviticus offers insight on what it means to be consecrated for God’s purpose. Christians don’t have a long list of laws to follow, but we are to be consecrated and holy (1 Peter 1:16).

Modern scholarship raises objections to the Mosaic authorship of Leviticus and other books of the Torah. For centuries, the Judeo-Christian tradition that Moses wrote Leviticus remained without controversy, but around the 19th century the authorship of the Torah came to be questioned. Scholars proposed theories suggesting that the book of Leviticus developed over an extended period, the work of various compilers. This view lacks evidence and runs counter to the biblical testimony regarding the Torah. If Moses did not write Leviticus, what are we to do with the fact that Jesus and Luke attributed the book to him (see Matthew 8:4 and Luke 2:22)? If Jesus was mistaken about who wrote Leviticus, how can we trust the other things He said?

We might wonder why the book of Leviticus and many other biblical texts never explicitly state the author. This appears, for many ancient authors, to be a deliberate method of focusing more on the content than the writer.

Over and over, the book of Leviticus declares, “The Lord spoke to Moses” (see Leviticus 1:1; 4:1; 5:14; 6:1). So, the Lord spoke, and Moses wrote down what was said. There’s no doubt who the Original Author is. All Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit, a fact affirmed by Jesus (Mark 12:36), providing confidence that each letter in the holy text serves a purpose.

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This page last updated: February 27, 2024