Questions about the Bible (All)
What is the Bible?
Is the Bible truly God’s Word?
Why should I believe the Bible?
Who wrote the Bible?
Is the Bible true?
Why should I trust the Bible?
What is the Bible about? Can you give me an overview of the Bible?
What is the value of group Bible study?
What is Bibliology?
Which is the best Bible translation?
What are the different English Bible versions?
What is the most accurate Bible translation?
How and when was the canon of the Bible put together?
What is the canon of Scripture?
Can / Should we interpret the Bible literally?
What is the story of the Old Testament?
What is the story of the New Testament?
Why should we study the Old Testament?
What does it mean that the Bible is inspired?
What is verbal plenary inspiration?
What are some interesting facts & stats about the Bible?
Why should we read the Bible?
Does the Bible contain errors, contradictions, or discrepancies?
What is the KJV Only movement? Is the King James Version the only Bible we should use?
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls and why are they important?
What is biblical numerology?
What do you think about the Bible codes? Is there any validity to them?
Who were the authors of the books of the Bible?
Where is a good place to start reading the Bible?
What are the lost books of the Bible?
Is it possible that more books could be added to the Bible?
What is the Synoptic Problem?
What is the Q Gospel? Is there any evidence for the Gospel of Q?
Should Mark 16:9-20 be in the Bible?
Does John 7:53—8:11 belong in the Bible?
How did people know about God before the Bible?
What is the JEDP Theory?
What is the documentary hypothesis?
What is the difference between the Old and New Testaments?
What is the proper way to study the Bible?
Do I have to believe the Bible is inerrant to be saved?
What is the Septuagint?
Is the Bible relevant for today?
Does the inerrancy of the Bible only apply to the original manuscripts?
Is there proof for the inspiration of the Bible?
What is biblical hermeneutics?
What are the beatitudes?
What is sola scriptura?
What are redaction criticism and higher criticism?
What is Biblical typology?
What is the Latin Vulgate Bible?
Why are the newer translations of the Bible missing verses?
Why isn’t the Bible in chronological order?
Why is it important to know Greek and Hebrew when studying the Bible?
What is the Granville Sharp Rule?
What is Koine Greek, and why was the New Testament written in it?
Has the Bible been corrupted, altered, edited, revised, or tampered with?
Textual criticism - what is it?
Who divided the Bible into chapters and verses? Why and when was it done?
Should I use a paraphrase of the Bible?
Why did God give us four Gospels?
What is the Skeptics' Annotated Bible?
When were the Gospels written?
Did the Bible copy some of its stories from other religious myths and legends?
How do we know that the Bible is the Word of God, and not the Apocrypha, the Qur'an, the Book of Mormon, etc.?
Why do the four Gospels seem to present a different message of salvation than the rest of the New Testament?
Why is it important to believe in biblical inerrancy?
How does the translation process impact the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Bible?
What is good Biblical exegesis?
How do we know when the books of the Bible were written?
What are some different methods of Bible study?
What is the living Word?
How can we know what parts of the Bible apply to us today?
Are the miracles in the Bible to be taken literally?
Why is Bible memorization important?
Are the writings of the Apostle Paul inspired (see 1 Corinthians 7:12)?
What is inductive Bible study?
What is the rhema word?
What is the proper way to dispose of a ruined Bible?
Did the writers of the New Testament regard their writings as Scripture?
Should all pronouns referring to God be capitalized?
What is the Masoretic Text?
What is the Textus Receptus?
How do we decide which books belong in the Bible since the Bible does not say which books belong in the Bible?
What is Verbal Plenary Preservation?
What is the Majority Text?
What is the Critical Text?
What is the difference between exegesis and eisegesis?
Why is it so hard to understand the Bible?
Why is understanding the Bible important?
What is bibliolatry?
Why is the Bible called the Holy Bible?
Is the doctrine of preservation biblical?
What is synonymous parallelism in Hebrew poetry?
What is antithetical parallelism in Hebrew poetry?
What is synthetic parallelism in Hebrew poetry?
What is emblematic parallelism in Hebrew poetry?
What is the dictation theory?
What is the Muratorian Canon?
What is a Bible concordance, and how do I use it?
What is Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance?
Is the Bible reliable?
How much of the Bible was transmitted by oral tradition?
How long did it take to write the Bible?
Why can’t all Christians agree on one Bible?
What is biblical literalism?
When the Bible refers to men, mankind, brothers, etc., does it include women?
What is a Bible commentary?
What is the Scofield Reference Bible?
What is the antilegomena?
What is wrong with the allegorical interpretation method?
Should Bible translations use gender-inclusive language?
Can the infallibility of the Bible be proven?
What is the difference between a Christocentric and a Christotelic hermeneutic?
What is the law of first mention?
Should the Old Testament instead be called the First Testament?
Is questioning the Bible wrong?
What does it mean that a biblical passage is descriptive rather than prescriptive?
What is a Bible scholar?
What is deductive Bible study?
What is trajectory hermeneutics?
What are the apocryphal gospels?
What is the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy?
What is the purpose of the warning passages in Scripture?
What are some good ways to memorize Bible verses?
What is a Bible society?
What is Deuteronomistic History?
What is a hapax legomenon?
Is it ever appropriate to take a single verse of Scripture out of its context?
What is dynamic equivalence in Bible translation?
What is functional equivalence in Bible translation?
What is formal equivalence in Bible translation?
What are the greatest miracles in the Bible?
Is “this too shall pass” found in the Bible?
What is the meaning of “there but for the grace of God go I”?
Is the saying “to err is human; to forgive, divine” biblical?
What does the word bible mean?
How many parables are in the Bible?
What is the shortest book of the Bible?
What is the longest book of the Bible?
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
What is the longest verse in the Bible?
What is the middle verse of the Bible?
What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
In what languages was the Bible written?
What is prophecy? What does it mean to prophesy?
What is a quick summary of each of the 66 books of the Bible?
What does the word testament mean?
What are the agrapha?
Which gospel was written first?
What is Biblical Hebrew? Why was the Old Testament written in Hebrew?
Why is it important to study the various characters in the Bible?
What is the Talmud?
What do LORD, GOD, Lord, God, etc., stand for in the Bible? Why are they used in place of God’s name?
What are the different theories of biblical inspiration?
Why is it important to study the Bible in context? What is wrong with taking verses out of context?
What is the Green Bible?
Does the warning in Revelation 22:18-19 apply to the entire Bible or just the Book of Revelation?
Is the original Bible still in existence?
What is the biblical doctrine of illumination?
What are the Pauline epistles?
What are the prison epistles?
What are the pastoral epistles?
What are the Major Prophets and Minor Prophets?
What is the core message of the Major Prophets?
What is the core message of the Minor Prophets?
What is the harmony of the Gospels?
What is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture? What does it mean that the Bible is sufficient?
What is the sword of the Spirit?
What are the different names and titles of the Bible?
What are Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus?
Can you give me a basic timeline of the Bible?
What does it mean that the Bible is God-breathed?
Is the Bible a fairy tale?
What is the Pentateuch?
Why is there so much confusion regarding the teachings of the Bible?
Is there any significance to colors in the Bible?
What are the most common things people think are in the Bible that are not actually in the Bible?
What is the Comma Johanneum?
What is a benediction in the Bible?
How do I know the Bible is not just mythology?
Should we read other books, or just the Bible?
How can I recognize and understand biblical symbolism?
What is form criticism?
What is source criticism?
What is the key to applying the Bible to my life?
What is the relevance of the genealogies in the Bible?
What is bibliomancy?
What is the Dake Bible?
How should the different genres of the Bible impact how we interpret the Bible?
What are the different forms of biblical literature?
What is a proverb in the Bible?
What are the modern equivalents of biblical weights and measures?
What are the most famous/important questions in the Bible?
What are the books of the Bible? What does it mean that the Bible is composed of different books?
What is the Torah?
What is an epistle? What are the Epistles in the Bible?
What is the Jewish Bible?
How much influence is the Bible supposed to have on society?
What is a chiasm / chiastic structure in the Bible?
What is an inclusio?
Is the Bible mind control?
How can Jesus and the Bible both be the Word of God?
How did the things Jesus said and did when He was alone get recorded in the Gospels?
What are some English words that have changed in meaning since the translation of the KJV?
What is the Queen James Bible?
What does it mean that the Bible is infallible? What is biblical infallibility?
What are the promises of God?
What is the Gospel of Peter?
What is a parable?
Does the Bible contain allegory?
What is the biblical significance of the number seven/7?
What is the Thomas Jefferson Bible?
What are the Synoptic Gospels?
What does it mean that the Bible should be our sole authority for faith and practice?
Who was the King James that the King James Version of the Bible is named after?
How many books of the Bible did Paul write?
What is the majestic plural, and how is it used in the Bible?
Why do modern translations of the Bible have a copyright?
How old is the Bible?
What is textualism?
Should we stand when the Bible is read?
Who were Westcott and Hort and what did they have to do with the text of the Bible?
What is Aramaic Primacy? Was the New Testament originally written in Aramaic?
What is the Peshitta?
What is the Diatessaron?
What is a Biblicist? What is Biblicism?
What are the oracles of God?
What is the doctrine of the perspicuity of Scripture? Is the Bible perspicuous?
What is the purpose of the Bible?
What is a study Bible?
What does it mean that the Bible is self-authenticating?
What is tota scriptura?
What is ipsissima vox? What is ipsissima verba?
What is the Gutenberg Bible?
What is the value of doing a word study in understanding the Bible?
The closed canon—what are the implications?
When the Bible is translated into English, how do the translators decide what punctuation to use?
What is the Codex Gigas?
What is the Book of the Wars of the Lord?
What is the Aleppo Codex?
What is historical criticism?
What is rhetorical criticism?
What is generic criticism?
What is ideological criticism?
What is narrative criticism?
What is prima scriptura?
What is the difference between sola Scriptura and solo Scriptura?
What is a red letter Bible?
Is not reading the Bible a sin?
What are some idioms in the Bible?
What is hyperbole? What are some examples of hyperbole in the Bible?
Is the Bible accurate?
What is the oldest book in the Bible?
What is the history of the Bible in English?
How should poetry in the Bible be interpreted?
What are the greatest promises in the Bible?
What is the Ryrie Study Bible?
What is the Bible referring to when it mentions the law and the prophets?
What does 11:11 mean in the Bible?
What is a Bible dictionary?
What is the importance of the Bible?
What is the significance of burning Bibles?
What is a Bible handbook?
Old covenant vs new covenant—what are the differences?
Should “for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever” be included in the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:13)?
What is narcigesis?
How much of the Bible is prophecy?
What is a lexicon?
Why didn’t Jesus write any books in the Bible?
What does it mean that something is extrabiblical / extra-biblical?
What are some examples of metaphor in the Bible?
What are some examples of simile in the Bible?
What are some examples of personification in the Bible?
What are the musical terms found in the Bible, and what do they mean?
What types of musical instruments are mentioned in the Old Testament?
What does the New Testament say about music?
What is an antitype in the Bible?
How is the Bible unique?
What was the process of deciding on the Old Testament canon?
What was the process of deciding on the New Testament canon?
What is a palimpsest, and how are they important in manuscript studies?
Where did the Bible come from? How did we get the Bible?
What is the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament?
What is the United Bible Societies Greek New Testament?
What is the Samaritan Pentateuch?
What is the two-source hypothesis?
What are the minimalist and maximalist approaches to Scripture?
Is “to thine own self be true” in the Bible?
Who wrote most of the New Testament?
What are the historical books of the Bible?
What are the Writings? What is the Ketuvim?
What are the prophetic books of the Bible? What is the Neviim?
What are the poetic books of the Bible?
What are the Five Festival Scrolls? What are the Megillot?
What are some examples of paradox in the Bible?
What are the general epistles?
Is it wrong to highlight and/or write notes in a Bible?
Is Jesus in every book of the Bible?
What are nomina sacra?
What does it mean that a prophecy has a double/dual fulfillment?
What is the difference between interpretation and application?
What is the Law of Moses?
What is gematria?
What are the Garima Gospels?
What are the Rossano Gospels?
What is a tetramorph?
Who wrote the book of Genesis? Who was the author of Genesis?
Who wrote the book of Exodus? Who was the author of Exodus?
Who wrote the book of Leviticus? Who was the author of Leviticus?
Who wrote the book of Numbers? Who was the author of Numbers?
Who wrote the book of Deuteronomy? Who was the author of Deuteronomy?
Who wrote the book of Joshua? Who was the author of Joshua?
Who wrote the book of Judges? Who was the author of Judges?
Who wrote the book of Ruth? Who was the author of Ruth?
Who wrote the book of 1 Samuel? Who was the author of 1 Samuel?
Who wrote the book of 2 Samuel? Who was the author of 2 Samuel?
Who wrote the book of 1 Kings? Who was the author of 1 Kings?
Who wrote the book of 2 Kings? Who was the author of 2 Kings?
Who wrote the book of 1 Chronicles? Who was the author of 1 Chronicles?
Who wrote the book of 2 Chronicles? Who was the author of 2 Chronicles?
Who wrote the book of Ezra? Who was the author of Ezra?
Who wrote the book of Nehemiah? Who was the author of Nehemiah?
Who wrote the book of Esther? Who was the author of Esther?
Who wrote the book of Job? Who was the author of Job?
Who wrote the book of Psalms? Who was the author of Psalms?
Who wrote the book of Proverbs? Who was the author of Proverbs?
Who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes? Who was the author of Ecclesiastes?
Who wrote the book of Song of Solomon? Who was the author of Song of Solomon?
Who wrote the book of Isaiah? Who was the author of Isaiah?
Who wrote the book of Jeremiah? Who was the author of Jeremiah?
Who wrote the book of Lamentations? Who was the author of Lamentations?
Who wrote the book of Ezekiel? Who was the author of Ezekiel?
Who wrote the book of Daniel? Who was the author of Daniel?
Who wrote the book of Hosea? Who was the author of Hosea?
Who wrote the book of Joel? Who was the author of Joel?
Who wrote the book of Amos? Who was the author of Amos?
Who wrote the book of Obadiah? Who was the author of Obadiah?
Who wrote the book of Jonah? Who was the author of Jonah?
Who wrote the book of Micah? Who was the author of Micah?
Who wrote the book of Nahum? Who was the author of Nahum?
Who wrote the book of Habakkuk? Who was the author of Habakkuk?
Who wrote the book of Zephaniah? Who was the author of Zephaniah?
Who wrote the book of Haggai? Who was the author of Haggai?
Who wrote the book of Zechariah? Who was the author of Zechariah?
Who wrote the book of Malachi? Who was the author of Malachi?
Who wrote the book of Matthew? Who was the author of Matthew?
Who wrote the book of Mark? Who was the author of Mark?
Who wrote the book of Luke? Who was the author of Luke?
Who wrote the book of John? Who was the author of John?
Who wrote the book of Acts? Who was the author of Acts?
Who wrote the book of Romans? Who was the author of Romans?
Who wrote the book of 1 Corinthians? Who was the author of 1 Corinthians?
Who wrote the book of 2 Corinthians? Who was the author of 2 Corinthians?
Who wrote the book of Galatians? Who was the author of Galatians?
Who wrote the book of Ephesians? Who was the author of Ephesians?
Who wrote the book of Philippians? Who was the author of Philippians?
Who wrote the book of Colossians? Who was the author of Colossians?
Who wrote the book of 1 Thessalonians? Who was the author of 1 Thessalonians?
Who wrote the book of 2 Thessalonians? Who was the author of 2 Thessalonians?
Who wrote the book of 1 Timothy? Who was the author of 1 Timothy?
Who wrote the book of 2 Timothy? Who was the author of 2 Timothy?
Who wrote the book of Titus? Who was the author of Titus?
Who wrote the book of Philemon? Who was the author of Philemon?
Who wrote the book of Hebrews? Who was the author of Hebrews?
Who wrote the book of James? Who was the author of James?
Who wrote the book of 1 Peter? Who was the author of 1 Peter?
Who wrote the book of 2 Peter? Who was the author of 2 Peter?
Who wrote the book of 1 John? Who was the author of 1 John?
Who wrote the book of 2 John? Who was the author of 2 John?
Who wrote the book of 3 John? Who was the author of 3 John?
Who wrote the book of Jude? Who was the author of Jude?
Who wrote the book of Revelation? Who was the author of Revelation?
When was Genesis written?
When was Exodus written?
When was Leviticus written?
When was Numbers written?
When was Deuteronomy written?
When was Joshua written?
When was Judges written?
When was Ruth written?
When was 1 Samuel written?
When was 2 Samuel written?
When was 1 Kings written?
When was 2 Kings written?
When was 1 Chronicles written?
When was 2 Chronicles written?
When was Ezra written?
When was Nehemiah written?
When was Esther written?
When was Job written?
When was Psalms written?
Questions about books that do not belong in the Bible
What are the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books?
What is the pseudepigrapha?
What are the Gnostic gospels?
What is the Genesis Apocryphon?
What is the Apocalypse of Adam?
What is the Apocalypse of Moses?
What is the book of Enoch and should it be in the Bible?
What is the Book of Noah?
What is the Prayer of Manasseh?
What is the Prayer of Azariah?
What are the books of 1 Esdras and 2 Esdras?
What is the book of Ecclesiasticus?
What is the book of Jasher and should it be in the Bible?
What is the Book of Jubilees and should it be in the Bible?
What is the book of Tobit?
What is the book of Susanna?
What is Bel and the Dragon?
What is the book of Judith?
What are the books of 1 and 2 Maccabees?
What are the books of 3 and 4 Maccabees?
What is the Book of Giants?
What is the book of the annals of the kings of Israel?
What is the book of Gad the seer?
What is the book of Baruch?
What is the Apocalypse of Baruch?
What is the letter of Jeremiah?
What is the book of Sirach?
What is the Testament of Abraham?
What are the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs?
What is the Testament of Job?
What is the Wisdom of Solomon?
What is the Testament of Solomon?
What is the Assumption of Moses?
What is the Ascension of Isaiah?
What is the Gospel of Nicodemus / Acts of Pilate?
What is the Book of Adam and Eve?
What is the Protoevangelium of James?
What is the Gospel of Truth?
What is the Apocalypse of Peter?
What is the gospel of Judas?
What are the Infancy Gospels?
What is the gospel of Thomas?
What is the Infancy Gospel of Thomas?
What is the gospel of Philip?
What is the gospel of Mary (Magdalene)?
What is the Secret Gospel of Mark?
What is the Gospel of the Hebrews?
What is the gospel of Barnabas?
What is the Epistle of Barnabas?
What is the Shepherd of Hermas and should it be in the Bible?
What are the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles?
What is The Acts of Paul and Thecla?
What is the Acts of Thomas?
What is the Acts of Peter?
What is the Apocryphon of John?
What is the Acts of John?
What are the Odes of Solomon?
What are the Psalms of Solomon?
What is the Letter of King Abgar to Jesus?
What are the books of 1 and 2 Clement?
What is the Apocalypse of Paul?
What is the Book of Odes?
What is the Book of the Rooster?
What is the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife?
Questions about Bible — Theme Index
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