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Worldview on Social Issues

Article Index


What does the Bible say about political correctness? Should a Christian be politically correct?

What is a biblical view of social action?

What is the social gospel?

How should a Christian view being “woke”?

What is virtue signaling?

How should Christians respond to cancel culture?

Should a Christian promote world peace?

What is intersectionality, and is it biblical?

What is the biblical perspective on multiculturalism?

What does the Bible say about being homeless / homelessness?

How should Christians respond to global poverty and hunger?

Does the Bible talk about hierarchy in society?

What is DEI, and is it compatible with biblical principles?

Equality vs. equity—what does the Bible say?


What does the Bible say about justice?

What does the Bible say about injustice?

What does the Bible say about inequality?

What does the Bible say about social justice?

What does the Bible say about restitution?

What does the Bible say about revenge?

What does the Bible say about second chances?

What is Amnesty International?

Does the Bible condone slavery?

What is the critical race theory, and how should a Christian view it?

What is antifa? How should a Christian view antifa?

What is punitive justice? What does the Bible say about punitive justice?

How should Christians view the idea of reparations for slavery?

What does the Bible say about restorative justice?


What does the Bible say about discrimination?

What does the Bible say about diversity?

What does the Bible say about favoritism?

What should a Christian do when convictions violate a tolerant society?

What does the Bible say about stereotypes?

What does the Bible say about racism, prejudice, and discrimination?

What does the Bible say about ageism?

How should a Christian view apartheid?

What does the Bible say about classism?

What does the Bible say about xenophobia?

Why are Christians guilty of hate speech?

Is it right to refer to some Christian organizations as hate groups?


Why should Christians be pro-life?

What is the Christian view of suicide? What does the Bible say about suicide?

What does the Bible say about the death penalty / capital punishment?

Why are Christians pro-life when it comes to abortion while at the same time in favor of the death penalty and supportive of war?

What does the Bible say about population control / depopulation?

What does the Bible say about abortion?

Does the Bible teach that life begins at conception?

Is it possible to be Christian and pro-choice at the same time?

What is the Plan B morning-after pill?

How should a Christian view Planned Parenthood?

How should a Christian view the Roe vs. Wade decision?

Is abortion always sin?

Gender Issues

What does the Bible say about sexism?

Why do women have such a small role in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about feminism? Should a Christian be a feminist?

What is an incel? Can a Christian be an incel?

How should a Christian view the #metoo movement?

How should a Christian view misandry?

How should Christians view Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW)?

What is rape culture?

What is toxic masculinity?

Is there a difference between sex and gender, biblically speaking?

What is androcentrism?

How many genders are there?

How should Christians view gender-affirming care?

How should Christians view the 4B movement?

What is black pill ideology?


Does God hate gays / homosexuals?

Why are Christians homophobic?

Can a person be born gay?

How should Christians react to persecution against the LGBTQ community?

Should a Christian have gay friends?

What does the Bible have to say about gay adoption?

Should a Christian attend a gay wedding?

Why are Christians opposed to marriage equality?

Should Christians use the preferred pronouns of transgender individuals when referring to them?

Does God hate shrimp?

Does the Bible teach that love is love?

What is a “clobber verse” or a “clobber passage”?

What is the Sparkle Creed?

Creation Care

What does the Bible say about animal rights?

How should a Christian view environmentalism?

How should a Christian view climate change?

Should a Christian observe Earth Day?

How should a Christian view global warming?

What is PETA? Can a Christian support PETA?

Should Christians recycle? How should a Christian view recycling?

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This page last updated: March 18, 2025